
Technarte Bilbao 2019

Technarte Bilbao 2019

May 16-17, 2019

Euskalduna Conference Centre


Akiko Nakayama


“Alive painting”

Tavs Jorgensen

Researcher in Digital Fabrication


Diaa Ahmedien

New-Media Creator

“Bio-Pixels: 2nd phase”

Robb Pope

Lighting Designer

“New Media Technologies and the Future of Architainment Design”

Stéphane Noël

Producer and curator

“Das Fremde”

Szymon Kaliski

Creative Technologist and artist

“Sleeping in the Circular Ruins”

Anabela Costa

Media Artist

“Poetic Cosmicity”

Eyal Gruss

Machine learning researcher and artist

“Neural Psychedelic Aesthetics – Deep Learning for Creative Machines”

David Middendorp

Choreographer and digital designer


ZER Collection

Fashion designers

“Digital manufactured fashion”

Federico Dal Pozzo

Sound Artist, Sound Performer


Predrag Nikolic

Associate Professor, CKAD, Shantou University

“Syntropic Counterpoints: Botorikko, Machine Created State”