Tatsuru Arai’s main artistic theme is to integrate classical compositions to new technologies, and to present the fundamental physical nature of the universe in the form of perceptual experiences. According to Arai, the human perception of sound, a physical phenomenon, influences human beings and the“geometric structure” is a fundamental pillar that allows us to understand the true nature of the universe.
Tatsuru Arai studied composition at Tokyo College of Music, at Impuls in Graz, Austria and holds a Master of Arts in composition, computer-programming and multimedia-art at the Academy of Music “Hanns Eisler” in Berlin, the city where he lives and works.
Face Of Universe
The principle of our ecosystem was born from the nuclear fusion energy of the sun. At the beginning of the earth’s birth, the atmosphere contained a lot of carbon dioxide and nitrogen and was high temperature.After that, over hundreds of millions of years, earth’s surface cooled, and the water vapor turned into rain and fell on the earth’s surface, forming the sea. About 4 billion years ago, plants were born in the sea. Long after that, our human civilization created cities. There are several papers, through NASA’s observation that plants on Earth are increasing as plants that require carbon dioxide absorb carbon dioxide emitted by humans. Here we can find principles and tips for how cities and ecosystems can coexist.