Shaking up the art world
Artists in this field often write code or develop systems that autonomously produce visual or auditory output. Unlike traditional art, where the artist’s hand is directly involved in the creation process, generative art focuses on designing systems that exhibit emergent behaviors or produce unpredictable results.
In generative art, algorithms or rules are set in place to govern how elements within the artwork interact or evolve over time. These algorithms may incorporate randomness or feedback loops, allowing for endless variations and iterations. The resulting artworks can range from intricate geometric patterns and fractals to dynamic animations or algorithmic music compositions.
Generative art blurs the boundaries between art, science, and technology, emphasizing the role of computation and systems thinking in the creative process. Artists in this field often explore concepts such as complexity, emergence, and the relationship between order and chaos.
At Technarte we have spent years exploring the endless possibilities offered by the fusion of art and technology.
In its 19 editions, technarte conference has hosted renowned international artists and researchers working on the infinite possibilities offered by the fusion of art and technology.
At this year’s conference to be held on May 17, 2024, Australian artist Keneth Lambert will give a presentation entitled “Humanising Data: The Stasis Project’s Approach to Data Portraiture in Generative Art.”
This is just a sample of the high-level speakers selected for this year’s conference. Discover new are trends on Generative Art, Data Art, AI Art, Bio Art, sonification and performance at Technarte 2024