
  Where Art & Technology Meet


Anke Loh

Interdisciplinary designer

Designer, artist, and educator Anke Loh works at the intersection of fashion, art, and technology. With a focus on textile development and wearable tech, her collaborative practice explores the potential ways of building community through craft and making. In the process of creating installations and site-specific interventions, Loh will invite scientists, designers, artists, and community members to collaborate on innovative projects such as touch sensitive embroidered textiles that trigger pre-recorded soundscapes. Her work has been featured at New York’s Fashion Week, Paris’ Centre Pompidou, Japan’s Osaka Collection Show, and Mode Expo Antwerp, Belgium.

🌐 Website


Re-FREAM Embroidered Touch

For Anke Loh, garments can be instruments. By creating sound through touch and gestures, her Re-FREAM designs encourage movement and joy. Deeply concerned about the loss of human tactile interactions during times of social distancing, Loh embeds technology into clothing to foster psychological well-being. Her Life Space sweaters enable us to listen to our own bodies, and to those of others.