
The Underground Connection

What do cities like Buenos Aires, Bilbao, New York, London, Medellin, Barcelona or Toronto have in common? They are big cities which are part of networks that promote social and cultural exchange. All of them with an important underground network.

The underground areas in each of these cities give us a picture of the cultural diversity in the city, on the surface. This is a reflection of the society from the very inside of itself. These underground network also allow the connection, not only physically, but emotionally different seasons or areas of the city itself.

Under this premise, the Argentine artist Joaquin Fargas shapes The Underground Connection, an artistic project born from the idea of ​​bringing closer and linking the international communities through art and technology using as a unifying vehicle the different undergrounds in the world. The project starts in Buenos Aires, and opens its connections to different cities around the world. Throughout all Europe Technarte promotes the participation of different cities and underground networks promoting the participation of both public and private entities.

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