
The Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country with Technarte and Culture Program of the National Direction of the Antarctic launch a call for a scholarship Art Residency in Antarctica with the aim of developing an artistic project with a direct vinculation to the Antarctic Continent and technology.

Arte en Antártida

Art in Antarctic is a culture programme with 10 years experience with the aim of spreading, from the most diverse artistic disciplines, the findings of scientific researchs, and make visible the need to take responsibility for the Antarctic heritage and environment of our planet.

The researchs conducted by scientists at the National Direction of the Antarctic and the Argentine Antarctic Institute, concerning the appearance of methane hydrochlorides on the surface of glacial ice and the evidence of global warming on the Antarctic Peninsula and the disappearance of Larsen Ice Shelf, were the starting point for the foundation of the art project that investigates the effects of climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula.

This was the starting point for the Culture Programme of the National Direction of the Antarctic, to which international artists started to join, working from the aesthetic research in several disciplines, combining art and science and generating a reflexive consciousness in the dissemination of works referred to Antarctica.

Nuevas especies XXI

Nuevas Especies XXI / Andrea Juan


Through an agreement between the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country, Technarte and National Direction of the Antarctic bases have been established for the participation of a student of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the call for Residence for Artists planned for the months of October and / or November 2015

Thus, after the selection of the winning project, selected by a board composed of representatives of the three organizations, the student and artist will travel to Antarctica to develop his work in the Argentine Antarctic Basis of Marambio, Esperanza or Carlini. The length of residence in Antarctica will be between 20 and 40 days, taking into account possible climatic changes in an extreme environment, although unique for its inspiring character.

The theme of the projects must be directly related to the preservation of the environment and human interaction in the Antarctic territory, showing a significant respect for the environment. The selected art project must have a strong technology and / or scientific component. Besides traveling to Antarctica to develop the project, student and selected artist will have the opportunity to present his/her work in Technarte 2016, the International Conference on Art and Technology that holds annually in Bilbao, and participation in future exhibitions related to the program Art in Antarctica.