
The world of 3D applied to different artistic areas, like design, architecture or fashion, will be one of the main characters of this new edition of Technarte, to be held on 29 and 30 May 2014. The explosion of 3D printers in the world of art and design, among other areas, has revolutionized the process of artistic creation. There are no limits for the creation and 3D rendering. Projects and creations ranging from the use of 3D printers to design sensitive and intelligent design-oriented architecture materials, for the creation related to fashion and sculpture, or even new 3D scanning models through mobile devices, will be displayed in this new edition of Technarte.  Not only that, the revolution of 3D printers has also come to the used materials.

Animal Studio

During the two-day conference you will listen to the most important artists of the moment and international researchers. You will attend the presentation of the Belgian artist Frederick De Wilde, with his unimaginable 3D creations and his collaboration project with NASA,Nano black art. You will learn with the Argentine bio-artist Joaquín Fargas, and his project Big Brain Project, for the creation of universal hybrid bran which combines nerve tissue cells with an artificial neural system, presented in the last edition of Ars Electronica in Austria. You will meet the André and Michel Décosterd brothers and their amazing musical and robotic installation Pendulum Choir, and the sculptural creations of the awarded designer Ana Rajcevic, whose creations made with 3D printers, has been cover of prestigious international magazines, like Vogue, Zoom on Fashion Trends or Dazed

And so on to complete the 13 presentations of this 9th edition of Technarte.

Discover the amazing Programme we have and register today !!